2012년 8월 14일 화요일

Meta Fiction Essay

  KMLA is a place where makes a lot of talents. KMLA, which makes good talents, is the most famous high school in Korea. It is made by Pastoire, which is the company famous for milk. So, KMLA gives students the Pastoire milks, which is very yummy. KMLA made a lot of fun students, and they are in GLPS for PA and TA.
  (From now, other students wrote essay, because we changed paper to write essay by lots of people's handwriting)
  For example, there are many students at GLPS who eventually go on to KMLA and then go on to amazing colleges like the IV league. This proves that the school teachers teach students well. However, they catch students who pay too much, so many students were sad because of KMLA. That means that the students who graduated the KMLA is very smart because they had to study a lot. We had to do interview before going KMLA, so it is very hard to go KMLA. The GLPS, which is the program for students who are in elementary and middle school students, is expensive because it is 4 million won to register, but we can learn English between PA, TA, or foreigners well, also, we can know the way to study by ourselves, not by teachers or parents. It is the right way to study by ourselves, but unfortunately, the Unicorns attacked the GLPS students by destroying the dormitory. Their sharp horns broke the dormitory, and a lot of students screamed, someone called their mother, and some of them ran away. The headmaster of KMLA was so surprised so he couldn't do anything, but just watching his school and dormitory destroying. Then, the heroes such as Robin hood, Captain America, and Batman went to rescue us. We all shouted with happiness. Batman shot the bats to attack unicorns, and during the bats are attacking them, the students were rescued and sent to their home. The students' mothers and fathers were so pleased that they made poster about the heroes, and always wanted to be the heroes. Of course they have to because the heroes are the best heroes who saved their son or daughter. The headmaster said to the country government not to make the heroes to bad people who kill someone, because most people had the stereotype that the heroes kill people, too! It was not right stereotype, for them! The KMLA is made with the permission of government, so the government became not to make those heroes to bad people, but only the good heroes. All students loved the heroes, and requested to buy toy equipment of heroes such as sword, or the shield. Usually, their parents didn't like to buy something for their children because it is not useful, but they bought it now. That made children to love heroes a lot and a lot. There was a newspaper about the heroes in the Korea, and the heroes became more friendly with the people.

- The End of my Meta Fiction Essay -

2012년 8월 9일 목요일

Diamante Poem

Diamante Poem

High Sharp
Hiking Climbing Walking
High Mountain Deep Ocean
Swimming Fishing Drinking
Deep Wide

2012년 8월 7일 화요일

Reflective essay - Light and Heavy Punishment

  Do you like light punishment or heavy punishment? Of course you will like the light punishment. However, most of parents don't think light punishment can make students better than before. Yeah, most of students don't listen parents' lesson, but a few of students hear parents'  lesson by light punishment. Not only heavy punishment gives students a lesson. Also, the heavy punishment has side affect. That punishment can make students worse and worse. Today, I will show you a movie about punishment. The name of movie is ' Spring summer fall winter and spring. ' There are 4 lessons and I want to talk about punishment, in Spring. First, see this movie.


  Did you see this movie? I think it would be long, but it is very impressive. I think the most impressive part was Spring part, so I am going to tell you about only spring part. The moral lesson in spring part is about punishment. There are two people in spring part, adult   and little guy. They believe Buddhism, and Buddhism is religion which insists not to kill living things. However, the little guy, who believe Buddhism, put the rocks in three animals, fish, frog, and snake. Even normal people don't do that thing except few people. Then, we have to make disappeared that bad mind which is located in little guy's mind, but how? How can we cure that bad mind to good mind? Hit him? Make him to cry? I don't think those ways are good way. The best way is to advice little guy. We have to make him to notice his fault by himself. Then, he will not do that fault again. However, think that the adult gave him heavy punishments. Then, he will not know his fault and do that fault again. We should prevent that his fault happens again and again, so it is the best way to do an advice. I insist that only heavy punishment brings good result, but the light punishment can bring good result and heavy punishment can bring bad result for us.
  I want to ask your opinion, do you think heavy punishment such as hitting or punching is better than light punishment like advice? I think not. Light punishment can bring good moods for both parents and children! Then, what about heavy punishment? Do you think that can get good result for children and parents? No, it isn't. It can bring good result for only one, mostly to the parents, so I prefer light punishment. This is the end of my reflective essay, and I think your mind changes because of these paragraphs.

2012년 8월 3일 금요일

History Class - SAXONS

- About The Smashing Saxons -

Hello, my name is Owen Jeon in class 14. Do you know about Saxons? Saxons lived with Viking. Then, do you know about the curing ways of Saxons? The curing ways of Saxons were so various. Do you know how they cured the spider bite, or the dog bite? It is very interesting to cure those things. I will tell you about the way how they cured some diseases or the blooding.

-Curing Way When They Had Diseases of Blooding-
(You shouldn’t follow these cures!!!)
1. Poisonous spider bite: - Make three cuts into the flesh near the bite.
                         - Let the blood run into a hazel-wood spoon.
                         - Throw the spoon and blood over the road.
 Isn’t it dirty way to cure the poisonous spider bite?
2. Dog bite: - Burn the jaw of pig to ashes.
            - Sprinkle the ashes on to the wound.
 We have to be careful to be bitten by the pig jaw!
  3. Bleeding Wound: - Take a soot from a pot, and rub it into a powder and                            
                    sprinkle it on the wound.
 If it doesn’t work… - Take fresh horse droppings, bake them dry and rub
                    them into a powder.
               - Put the powder on to a thick linen cloth and bind it on             
                    to the wound overnight.
4. Thick hair(?) – To thin their hair…
              - Burn a swallow to ashes and rub the ashes into the scalp.
             - To completely stop hair growing…
             - Rub ant eggs into the scalp!
It is disgusting, isn’t it? How can make thin hair with this way?!
5. Headache: - Take swallow-chicks and cut them open.
             - Look for little stones in their stomachs, sew them into a bag                              
             on the head. This is also a cure for people plagued by goblins.

Cute cures for Saxons, not for us!!!
1.   For a toothache: Boil a holly leaf, lay it on a saucer of water,
raise to the mouth and yawn.
2.   For a swelling on the eyelid: Take a knife and cut out the
                                affected part.
3.   For a snake bite: Take a piece of wood from a tree grown in
                Heaven and press it to the wound.
4.   For madness: Take the skin of a dolphin, make it into a whip
             and beat yourself with it. 
5.   For a sick horse: Cut the sign of the cross in the forehead
                back and limbs, pierce the left ear, then
                beat with a stick.
6.   For a sick girl: Cut a vein and let out some blood.
              (This must be done at night.)

In conclusion, there were a lot of curing ways for Saxons. However, do you think those ways were not good way? Yeah, it is, but those ways would be right ways in that time.

History class - VIKINGS


Vikings invaded the England. There will be the reasons why they invaded England. However, the historians couldnt notice the reasons yet. Fortunately, there are nine predicts by historians.

-Why the Vikings invaded the England?-

    1. Scandinavia, where the Vikings lived was so crowded, so    they needed the lands.
I agree about this predict because they would need the lands because they didn’t have enough lands.
    2. The monasteries were an easy way to get rich quick on treasure and slaves.
I disagree about this predict because monasteries are England’s property.
    3. There were too much food grows in Scandinavia so they needed to trade those food.
I disagree about this predict because they could trade with talking, not the powers.
    4. Viking’s rule says that younger sons can’t get the lands after their father died, so they had to go to overseas, and steal the lands.
I disagree about this predict because the younger sons had to do works, not steal somethings.
    5. Vikings maybe escaped from the Scandinavia because of the vicious king of Scandinavia.
I agree about this opinion because we can’t live with greedy leader.
    6. The weather of England was better than Scandinavia’s cold and uncomfortable weather.
I disagree about this predict because they could adapt on the cold and uncomfortable weathers.
    7. There was a sudden shortage of herring which is their main food supply.
I disagree about this predict because if they steal England’s food, there would be a food shortage in England, too. 
8. Sea trade was more growing in the North Europe, and that meant more chance of piracy of Viking!
I agree about this predict because we can’t develop if we don’t do a trade.
     9. The Vikings enjoyed sailing and fighting better than staying home and farming.
I agree about this predict because name ‘Vikings’ mean the people who like to sail and fight.

However, there was other enemy of Vikings, and it is the Saxons. The Saxons was vicious as the Vikings, too. There are two stories about King Edmund. After the King Edmund died, he is called Evil King by us.

-The story of King Edmund-

1. King Edmund was furious. He tore off his helmet to show his men that he was still alive. He then flung his spear at Edric. He threw it so hard that it bounced off Edric’s shield and went through two soldiers who were standing beside him.
2. King Edmund Ironside was a fierce fighter. In one battle, an enemy called Edric climbed a hill and waved a severed head in the air. “Surrender!” he called to Edmund’s men. “This is the head of your leader, Edmund!”

In the part of diary of Ethel, when her mom said to be servant of Edmund, she said to her mom that King Edmund is terrible king who chases the girls.

Green Mold

  Do you know that there are some good molds? Today, I am going to tell you about the feature, and role of Green Mold. Also, I will tell you the differences of Green Mold and Leaven.  There are a lot of molds which give us good things. For example, there are green mold and leaven. First, I will say about Green Mold, and then, I will say some descriptions about penicillin. Finally, I'll say differences of Green Mold and Leaven.
  First, I will tell you about Green Mold. Its body is made of thread shaped spawn. Spawn is the cell which is composes the body of fungi, and fungi is the group which doesn't have chloroform and is propagated by spores. Green Mold is circle shaped and has bluish green color spores. The Green Mold is parasitic on bread, rice cakes, or oranges. There is some green mold which is poisonous or decomposed, but some of it is excellent green mold which give us benefit.
  Then, what will be the role of green mold? They make medicine, which is called penicillin. The penicillin cures a lot of diseases. For example, it cures inflammation of the lungs, erysipelas, blood poisoning, or syphilis. Isn't penicillin a very great medicine? There are more diseases we can cure with the penicillin, so we have to be grateful for penicillin and green mold. I will tell you extra description of penicillin now. Penicillin is made by Alexander Fleming. He was a Scottish biologist and pharmacologist. He wrote many articles on bacteriology, immunology, and chemotherapy. Penicillin is obtained by several fungi cultured or synthetic substances for the treatment of acute bacterial infections. An allergy to penicillin is relatively common, but essentially is not poisonous. Some bacteria have been resistant to penicillin's. However, penicillin is still against the common bacteria that has an effect to.
  Finally, I will tell you the differences what Green Mold and Leaven have. First, I will tell you the difference of their asexual reproductive generation. The asexual reproductive generation of Green Mold is penicillium, and the asexual reproductive generation of Leaven is apergillus. Second, good thing what they do for people is different. Leaven is used to make wine, bread, and a lot of fermentative food. However, Green Mold is used to make medicine which is called penicillin. These were two differences of Green Mold and Leaven.
  In conclusion, we have to break the stereotype that all molds are bad for people. Of course there are people who thinks that there are some molds which is good, but we shouldn't say to the mold that "Oh! It is a mold! It is dirty, I don't like it," because not all molds are dirty and not good for people.

2012년 8월 2일 목요일

Argument Essay - Joseph Kony

  If someone kidnaps you when you are sleeping in your bed, how would you feel? You will not know that someone is kidnapping you, however, if you have woken up and noticed that someone is kidnapping you, you will be so surprised to be kidnapped by someone that you don't know. You will know that you are kidnapped, if kidnapper is wearing a dark mask or something what you think the perpetrator always wear. You came out from bed carefully, but there are soldiers everywhere. You have to run for your life. However, you can't run away because of the soldiers. What will you do then? This situation happened in Uganda.
  Do you want to be kidnapped? Do you want to be injured? Of course not. However, it happened recently, in April. We call it, Kony 2012. Today, I am going to tell you about that issue, especially about the unwanted dictator, Joseph Kony.
  Joseph Kony L.R.A. in Uganda (Lord's Resistance Army), called as the leader of an armed rebel forces, currently being arranged in the International Criminal Court as an international range. Connie Joseph, during the last nine years, kidnapped more than 30,000 children in Uganda and gave guns to kill their parents, and sold girls sold for sexual slavery, If you do not cooperate, you are executed. Also, Joseph Kony as a leader of the Ugandan rebels of God, is a criminal who is currently wanted by Interpol. 20 years targeting children in Uganda, rape, assault, murder, and atrocities still continue. The International Criminal Court (ICC) in the No. 1 ranking by worst range name was raised, the current worldwide interest and support getting hot 'KONY 2012' is also the target of the campaign.
  Then, what can we do to save children in Uganda? There are two ways to solve that problem. First, we can send money to them. If we send money, they would buy some food and escape to farther place. Then, they can save their lives. They could keep their futures. Second, we can make Kony famous.If Kony becomes famous, we can protect children's die because of Kony. Then, how can we do to make Kony famous? We can share 'Kony 2012' video in Facebook or blogs. I will show you the video, 'Kony 2012'.

Did you like this video? Isn't the children who don't have anything wrong are poor? To save these children, we have to make Joseph Kony famous and aid the children with a lot of moneys. Then, Joseph Kony will stop bad things. Now, I will give you an image.

  You have to remember this sentence. Also, you have to memorize April 20, which is a day that a lot of children died by Kony. Let's log on in Facebook, and share the videos, images, and a lot of things which is related with Kony. Why? It is the way to make Joseph Kony more famous than now. Then, the peace, which everybody want, will be come for us. Kony 2012, which was the best issue in 2012, has to be memorized by everyone in the Earth with a wish that Kony will stop the bad things which is kidnapping children, killing and hurting children, or destroying the houses where children live. In conclusion, I want to say only one sentence, 'Joseph Kony has to stop doing crimes, killing children.'

2012년 7월 31일 화요일

Ode To The CCTV

- Dear Security Camera -

  Hello, security camera, which is called CCTV? Hey, CCTV, do not participate in people's private lives! Many people in many places don't like you. Hey, CCTV, do you know that you always participate in people's private lives and that makes many people furious? Listen carefully why people don't like you.
  First, you make people including me furious. As you participate in private lives of people, people become furious! People dislike you, CCTV, the security camera. Of course there are people who like you, but there are a few people who like you. Maybe people who like you have a reason that you keep them safe from the criminals. You are made to protect people's personal and private lives. Hey, CCTV, you shouldn't participate in people's private lives.
  Secondly, do you know your stupid friends are put everywhere and participate in people's private lives a lot? There are a lot of friends of you. A lot of places use you a lot and a lot. Hey security camera, can't you refuse to be put in everywhere? Then, I will like you more than now. However, it seems to put you more and more than now, so I become furious more and more. You shouldn't be put in prohibited places such as bathrooms and sleeping places, but people began to put you in those places now! Isn't it strange that there are the security cameras in bathrooms? I feel it is stupid thing to put you or your friends a lot and a lot. They are increasing nowadays, so I think all places will have CCTV s more than 3 in future. Of course there has to have you, CCTV s, but I think it is so many that make me to disagree about a lot of CCTV s. I can sure that a lot of people don't like you and your friends, so they thinks you and your friends must be disappeared a lot except few CCTV s. Your friends are making a lot of people angry.
  Third reason is because it cannot be useful. Some criminals make you or your friends cannot be connected with other things like the scene of TV, and do a lot of crimes, so I think that CCTV s cannot be useful in some situations. That means that a lot of CCTV s are not useful, so we do not need a lot of CCTV s in our lives. There should be few of CCTV s in a lot of place except important places.
  Finally, I totally think the CCTV s are not needed a lot so we have to reduce the CCTV s not to be participated our lives by the others. Also, we must not put the CCTV s in not good place such as bathroom or place where we are sleeping. The reason why I think like that is because our private lives have to be protected by the others, even if I know that person. I hate you very much. Hey, you, CCTV s, I dislike you, so do not be put in anywhere. If you do not want to be destroyed by people, please don't make I see you. Do you know how I hate you? I hate you a lot as my test score is 0 point. Please don't come in front of my eyes, CCTV!

2012년 7월 24일 화요일

Three Things About Me

     Do you know about your personality or something do you like? Of course you will know about you, but I think that we can't know all things about us. However, there are things that we can definitely know about us. I chose 3 things that I definitely know and I think it is representing me.  

1.  My favorite sport is the soccer. There are two reasons why I like soccer. First, soccer             makes my body healthier than before. When we are playing soccer, we move a lot, so we can be healthier than before. The second reason why I like to play the soccer is because it is interesting. We can make friends by playing the soccer. Also, it is exciting to play soccer because we can join it with our friends.

2.  I can speak two languages, which are Korean and English. I think if we are Korean, we must be able to speak those two language. The reason why I think like that is because Korean is country language and English is the worldwide language. I think if I study hard, I would be able to speak English as Korean. If I become more fluent in English then now, I would be able to go to other country such as England or U.S.A, and talk with a lot of foreigners. I would be proud of myself, then.

3.  I like watching movies. There are two reasons there. First, I can see movies with big screen. Big screen makes me to concentrate on movies. And, that makes me not to see other places until movies finish. The second reason is because it is interesting. There are    many kinds of movies, but I like the action movies mostly. When the main character and evil fight, or main character do something we can't do, I concentrate on movie very much that I can't hear anything except sound coming from movie. Especially, when I watch the movies with popcorn, I can watch movie with a great mood.